Lucy Lucraft is a podcast producer - find her here

ONE | What have been your biggest career HURRAH moments so far?
The thing that makes me want to do a little dance is when people who I have admired for years, or who are insanely aligned with my values approach me to produce their podcasts. I think you attract the right people when you're being super authentic so that's alway a sign I'm on the right track. Oh! And when I was a journalist I was nominated for an award for a travel piece I'd written - The Guardian won, but I came second! 

TWO | If you could give 3 pieces of advice to yourself ten years ago - what would you say?
1 - You are NOT too old to try something new - if you start today, you'll be streets ahead in a year's time so just do it. 2 - You never know who's following you, so keep showing up as yourself because your next client is probably lurking in your followers! 3 - Never stop experimenting. Being self-employed can be hard, so you have to find ways to make it enjoyable on the tough days. 


THREE | You’re granted 1 wish for the day – what would it be?
My own podcast studio funded by Dolly Parton. It would be on the beach in Brighton and totally free for everyone to use. Also.....there would be coffee on tap & food provided by FilFil (which is one of my favourite lunch places in the lanes.) 


FOUR | Which living person do you most admire?

Gabor Maté


FIVE | What's your most treasured possession?

I'm really not materialistic so I don't get too hung up on stuff. But probably my skincare and makeup (!) because it's the only thing I really hoard and splurge on

SIX | What do you value most highly in friendship?

SEVEN | Where would you most like to live?
Ooooh that's so tricky! I've lived in quite a few countries and I don't think I could pick one. Maybe Scotland! 

EIGHT | What's your biggest indulgence?
My Beauty Pie membership.

NINE | What does your dream scenario day look like?
Waking up before everyone, having coffee alone while scrolling TikTok before heading out for a run, followed by a sea swim (and maybe even a cheeky sauna at Beach Box Brighton.) Then home to an empty house (because my husband's doing the school run!) and a day of mooching, napping, eating yummy food and working. Finally, a film on the sofa after a delicious dinner with wine. I'm a simple creature! 

TEN | What’s your favourite biscuit?This changes on a weekly basis.
BEST QUESTION EVER. I can't pick one. Either a really buttery shortbread or those fruit shortcake things that are about 50p for a whole packet. I could eat the whole lot in one go! 

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Getting a show commissioned after years and years of writing things that didn’t go anywhere! - that was a lovely moment.


I've taught in various places like the V&A, and that often makes me think that I'm doing alright and that this is the job for me.