Kate Hiscox is the author of the popular fashion blog Wears My Money and a Music PR.

ONE | What have been your biggest career HURRAH moments so far?
In Music my favourite is (and probably alway will be) helping arrange for Noel Gallagher, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell do Celebrity Gogglebox. In Fashion, managing to actually make a living writing a fashion blog that I still love doing.

TWO | If you could give 3 pieces of advice to yourself ten years ago - what would you say?
Stop playing it safe, don’t worry what others think and be yourself.


THREE| You’re granted 1 wish for the day – what would it be?
A hot and sunny beach, a good book and a Spicy Margarita with no interruptions.


FOUR | Which living person do you most admire?

Probably Thomas Frank, the Brentford FC head coach. So much so that I maned our dog after him.


FIVE | What's your most treasured possession?

My children, although they are almost grown up now and I don’t own them, so my teeny tiny Chanel Handbag.

SIX | What do you value most highly in friendship?
Loyalty and laughs. 

SEVEN | Where would you most like to live?
In the lovely big house in the Butts in Brentford. or in Richmond, near the park.

EIGHT | What's your biggest indulgence?
Clothes. Always has been, always will be.

NINE | What does your dream scenario day look like?
Lie in, Fry up, Brentford at home (winning), dinner with friends, in bed by 10pm. Alternatively, being given £10k to have a shopping spree in New York in the springtime.

TEN | What’s your favourite biscuit?This changes on a weekly basis.
I do love a Custard Cream, but then I also love a Tunnock Caramel and sometimes a chocolate digestive is all you need. 

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